The Seemingly Unlikely Comparison Between Terrorism and Con Artistry
It might seem a stretch at first but as someone who has witnessed the aftermath of both terrorists and romance con artists, I’m left with the disturbing conclusion that there are many similarities between the two and how they operate.
While at first the two may seem to occupy entirely different spheres of human behaviour, they share core traits that merit a stark comparison. Both types of individuals prey on vulnerable people, exhibit profound deception, and cause immense harm to their victims. The question arises whether these individuals deserve to be compared to human beings, let alone to animals. In fact, it is an affront to animals to even suggest that these individuals share any common ground with them as animals possess qualities of compassion, loyalty, and care that these individuals utterly lack.
The Nature of a Terrorist
A terrorist is a member of an extremist group that uses violence, including suicide bombings, shootings, and other forms of brutality, to promote a radical agenda. The violence is typically directed toward innocent civilians, often with no regard for the lives of children, the elderly, or noncombatants. This is a deliberate and calculated choice to spread fear, pain, and suffering. The motivations behind these attacks are ideological, but their execution relies on cruelty and total disregard for human life.
A terrorist’s tactics, such as targeting schools, hospitals and markets, emphasize an utter dehumanization of those they attack. Their goal is not only to kill but also to terrorize entire communities, breaking down the basic human fabric that binds societies together. The methods employed by terrorists are inherently anti-human and represent a perverse rejection of the shared humanity that binds people together. They strip away the inherent dignity that each person deserves and replace it with violence and destruction.
These individuals often justify their actions through twisted ideologies, but at their core, they act without empathy, ignoring the pain and suffering they inflict. They are so consumed with their belief in a cause that they no longer see the humanity of those they target. It is this absence of compassion and moral conscience that leads to actions that are unequivocally reprehensible.
The Nature of a Romance Fraud Con Artist
A romance fraud con artist, on the other hand, operates through manipulation and deceit in a very different context. Their primary weapon is emotional manipulation. They exploit the desires and vulnerabilities of individuals seeking love or companionship, often over months or even years. They pretend to be a perfect partner, building trust and emotional intimacy, only to later betray their victims for financial gain.
The impact of romance fraud is often just as devastating as terrorism, albeit in different ways. The psychological toll on the victims can be profound, often leading to feelings of worthlessness, depression, and loss of trust in others. Financially, victims can lose significant sums of money—often their life savings—leading to long-term economic instability. This form of betrayal is particularly insidious because it exploits basic human emotions, the very things that make people open to connection and trust.
A romance fraud con artist does not necessarily use physical violence, but they do wield emotional violence by crushing the spirit of their victims. The emotional scars left by such manipulation can take years to heal, and for some victims, they may never fully recover. The exploitation of a person’s longing for companionship is one of the most devastating forms of cruelty, as it involves preying on one of the most basic and natural human desires: to love and be loved in return.
Why These Individuals Don’t Deserve to Be Compared to Humans
Both terrorists and romance fraud con artists exhibit a fundamental disregard for human dignity and well-being. They are not acting in the interests of others, nor are they motivated by compassion or any other positive human quality. Instead, they manipulate, deceive, and destroy for their own benefit, with little to no empathy for the destruction they leave behind.
To compare such individuals to animals is to make a profound misjudgement about both human and animal nature. Animals, by and large, are driven by instincts that help them survive, but most species also exhibit forms of compassion and care. Many animals—such as elephants, dolphins, and primates—demonstrate empathy, cooperation, and even mourning. These behaviours are instinctual forms of caring for others within their species or even beyond it. For instance, elephants are known to care for injured members of their herd, and dolphins have been observed helping injured companions or other species, including humans.
In stark contrast, both terrorists and con artists operate in ways that disregard the fundamental values of empathy, kindness, and respect for others. Their actions not only hurt individuals but also society as a whole. A terrorist uses violence to create fear and spread hatred, while a romance fraudster destroys lives through deceit and manipulation. In both cases, there is no compassion, no instinct to help or care for another person. Instead, there is only the pursuit of self-interest at the expense of others’ pain.
The Absence of Empathy and Compassion
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it is what separates human beings from those who engage in these harmful behaviours. Compassion goes a step further—it involves taking action to alleviate the suffering of others. Neither a terrorist nor a romance fraud con artist exhibits these qualities. Terrorists are motivated by ideological and religious fervour, driven by a desire for political or religious power at the expense of innocent lives. Romance fraudsters, on the other hand, are driven by greed, exploiting human emotions for financial gain.
The cruelty of both these individuals lies in their utter lack of regard for the well-being of others. While animals may act out of survival instinct or territoriality, they are not driven by malice in the way humans who engage in terrorism or fraud are. The deliberate infliction of harm on others for selfish purposes is a uniquely human characteristic in these cases, and it demonstrates an absence of the qualities that would define a person as a compassionate being.
While humans are capable of extraordinary kindness, love, and empathy, these individuals choose to engage in actions that strip away the very essence of humanity. Their behaviors are not only inhumane; they are devoid of compassion, which is something even animals can possess. Animals often show more empathy and compassion than these human predators.